Does farro have gluten?

Does Farro Have Gluten?

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Have you recently been told you need to avoid gluten and want to know if farro has gluten?

Perhaps you are looking to cut down the amount of gluten in your diet and want to know what you can and can’t eat?

Does Farro Have Gluten?

Or are you curious and want to know more? Whatever the reason might be that brought you here today, we have the answer for you! 

We know how difficult it can be to find the food you can eat when you are avoiding gluten. Whether it is a personal choice or intolerance that means you can’t eat gluten, you can quickly realize that gluten is everywhere!

It makes everything from heading to a store to eating in a restaurant far harder than it was before.

And even when you head online to see what you can eat, the advice is conflicting and confusing, leaving you unsure where you stand and what you can eat. 

Well, no more! Today, we are here with the answers you need. Just keep reading to find out if farro has gluten or not and everything else you need to know about it! 

What Is Farro?

Before we dive into today’s article, let’s have a quick recap for those that need it! Farro is an ancient whole grain that looks similar to barley.

It looks more oblong and is larger than barley and also retains a chewy texture when cooked like barely does. 

Farro is packed full of protein and fiber, making it a good choice for anyone looking to feel fuller for longer. It is often hailed as one of the healthiest grains out there and is used mainly in Mediterranean diets (see also ‘10 Mediterranean Grains‘). 

The grain has a nutty taste once cooked and is used in the same way as other grains. Farro works well with salads, meats, or substituted for grains in your favorite dishes.

Farro doesn’t go mushy even when it is cooked for extended periods, making it a fine choice for use in a slow cooker. It won’t go mushy like rice will! 

Farro can be bought pearled or semi-pearled, and how you buy it determines how it cookes. Pearled farro has its bran removed, meaning it takes less time to cook.

Typically you will find it pearled here in the US and semi-pearled in Italy, where farro is most common. You can cook it easily on the stove or a rice or pressure cooker if you prefer. 

Now that we have established what farro is, let’s move on to see if it has gluten in it or not!

Does Farro Have Gluten?

Does Farro Have Gluten?

Yes, unlike other grains we have looked at, farro has gluten in it and is not suitable for those avoiding gluten. Farro counts as a type of wheat, as well as a grain, and contains gluten.

If you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, you should avoid eating farro. You will also want to ensure that any other products you purchase or dishes you eat out do not contain farro or traces of farro. 

You can check the packaging of your food in stores and speak to the server in any restaurant to ensure that the food you order is free of farro or other foods that contain gluten.

Make sure that you request your food be cooked separately too, as this avoids any cross-contamination and ensures your meal is safe for you to eat. 

While it is disappointing that farro contains gluten, there are plenty of other grains out there that are naturally gluten-free, like quinoa, rice, oats, buckwheat, and amaranth (Find out Is Amaranth Gluten-Free?).

The wide range of choices means you don’t need to worry about missing out on grains while avoiding gluten! 

How Much Gluten Does Farro Have?

Although farro has gluten, it has significantly less gluten than wheat. It has a different gluten structure than the gluten in wheat, which reduces the amount of gluten in there.

The amount will vary depending on the portion of farro that you have. Although it is classed as a low gluten grain, it is tricky to find out exactly how much gluten is in farro! So those who are allergic to gluten should still avoid it. 

However, if you have a mild gluten intolerance, you might be able to eat a small amount of gluten without feeling unwell or experiencing any side effects.

We do not recommend eating farro unless you have success eating other low-gluten foods without any side effects, the last thing we want is for you to be unwell! 

If you do decide to eat farro, make sure you only eat a small amount. Monitor how you feel closely after eating farro and make a note of any side effects you might feel.

If a few hours have passed and you feel fine, the chances are farro is safe for you to eat. You might be able to incorporate it into your diet, but be sure you only do this in small quantities.

The last thing you want is to overdo it and end up unwell! 

As there are plenty of other grains for you to enjoy while following a gluten-free diet, you don’t need to eat farro if you don’t want to.

But if you are looking to reduce the amount of gluten in your diet as a personal choice, you can still enjoy farro.

Its low quantities of gluten mean it can be part of a low gluten diet but should be avoided by those that have to avoid eating gluten.

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it! Unfortunately, farro is not gluten-free and should not be eaten by anyone following a gluten-free diet!

Make sure that any food you consume is free of farro and other foods containing gluten to ensure you do not become unwell.

Should you be looking for a low gluten diet, farro can be eaten as it has lower levels of gluten than wheat, but cannot be considered a gluten-free grain. 

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