7 Grains for soups

7 Grains For Soup

Grains are a perfect and healthy ingredient to add or base your meals on, but when it comes to soup do you know which ones to add? The best grains you can add to your soup are in this article and so are some recipe ideas, so keep reading below to get some inspiration for […]

What Is The Best Way To Eat Buckwheat?

What Is The Best Way To Eat Buckwheat - Healthy Grains Guide

Buckwheat? What is that? Even though several people know the answer to that and have buckwheat in their diet, there are other people who are strangers to it and are missing out on something great. It is these people who have no idea how to cook and eat buckwheat, and if you identify with them, […]

The Past, Present, And Future Of Milling—How It Has Changed Over The Years

The Past, Present And Future Of Milling—How It Has Changed Over The Years

Wheat and flour are among the oldest crops cultivated by humans. Archaeological evidence suggests that people began cultivating cops about ten thousand years ago. By around eight thousand BC, farmers had begun growing domesticated forms of wheat, barley, rye, and oats. These plants were selected because they could grow well under dry conditions and produce […]

Where Is Rice Originally From?

Where Is Rice Originally From Healthy Grains Guide

Rice has become an integral part of our daily lives and is often considered the staple food of Asia. The popularity comes largely from the versatility of the grain; this is a food that can be added to pretty much any dish, and which is cheap, filling, and easy to cook. As you sit down […]

Health Benefits Of Amaranth: Nutrition, Antioxidants And More

Health Benefits Of Amaranth: Nutrition, Antioxidants And More

It is interesting that while amaranth is an ancient grain which has been used throughout the world for millennia, that it is only now getting the attention it deserves in the health world. It has been a dietary staple in a variety of different cultures, and a main reason for this is just how nutritious […]

What Happens If You Eat Buckwheat Everyday?

What Happens If You Eat Buckwheat Everyday? - Healthy Grains Guide

Buckwheat is delicious. This seed can be added to a wide variety of different meals, and comes with a lot of different health benefits. Of course, when you know something is healthy, you want to eat it more often right? The question is, then, what would happen if you ate buckwheat on a regular basis? […]

5 Puffed grains

5 Puffed Grains

Puffed grains are probably something that you have already heard of.  Whether it is in the form of a breakfast cereal, or as one of the steps in a complicated recipe that you’ve been wanting to make.  The fact is, there are many types of puffed grains available from all over the world and they […]

Is It Ok To Eat Quinoa Every Day? Everything You Need To Know

Is It Ok To Eat Quinoa Every Day Everything You Need To Know

You may have heard quinoa described as a superfood, and there is a really good reason for this.  Not only does this golden grain include amino acids, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and lots of minerals, but it is stated as being one of the healthiest things you can eat.  Quinoa has also been associated with helping […]

Are Spent Grains Healthy? Deep Dive Into Nutritional Benefits

Are Spent Grains Healthy? Deep Dive Into Nutritional Benefits

Are you looking for ways to improve your health without spending a fortune? If yes, then you should consider using spent grain. Spent grain is the leftover husk or bran after wheat has been processed. This substance is usually discarded, but it contains valuable nutrients such as fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Spent […]

5 Delicious African grains

5 Delicious African Grains

Grains are a brilliant food source to add to your diet when you are trying to eat healthily or on a budget.  There are so many different types of grains that can be added to your meals, yet we seem to stick to the same few.  You are most likely to use rice, quinoa, or […]