Have you been wondering if hemp is a grain? Maybe you have heard people mention hemp seeds or hemp grains and want to know the difference?
Or are you curious about hemp and want to know more? No matter the reason that brought you here, we have the answer for you!
Finding out what hemp is defined as, whether it is a grain or not, can be challenging.
You head online for some guidance but are met with so many conflicting articles and answers, you are left frustrated and overwhelmed.
Unsure who to trust or where to turn, you wonder if you will ever find the answers that you need.
Well, no more! Today we are here to help. Keep reading to find out if hemp is a grain or not and everything else you need to know! Get ready to become a hemp expert today.
Is Hemp A Grain?
Let’s dive straight into it! Hemp is not technically a grain. Hemp is an oilseed crop, putting it in the same bracket as sunflower, canola, or flax.
When planted and grown, hemp becomes the hemp herb, known commonly as Cannabis Sativa.
Hemp, as a plant, contains 0.3% or less of THC, the chemicals found in cannabis that is responsible for the high you get when the plant is eaten or smoked.
The percentage of THC in hemp is so low that it will not get you high.
But it does have some medicinal properties. Hemp oil, in particular, is often extracted from the plant and used to treat symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain, and other conditions.
It is worth noting. That there has not been clear scientific evidence that supports these uses.
However, that has not stopped people from purchasing and using hemp oil for these conditions, with the effects varying from person to person.
Although hemp is not classed as a grain, it is often referred to as one, so don’t be confused if you see hemp grains being advertised!
The oilseed crops seeds can look similar to a grain, and we often see the phrases seeds and grain used interchangeably when referring to hemp.
Now that we have established that hemp is not a grain, but an oilseed crop, let’s dive in to look at hemp in closer detail!
Are Hemp Seeds Or Grains Safe?
Although we usually find hemp as an oil to be purchased in pharmacies or other medical stores, hemp can also be purchased as seeds or grains.
These seeds are safe for human consumption and can be eaten!
Not only are hemp seeds safe to eat, but they are good for you too! They contain omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs and feature a high protein content!
Hemp has also been connected to improving heart health as it can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure!
Inside the shell of hemp grain, we find hemp hearts. These can be eaten as they are, and are similar to the inside of sunflower seeds.
It is these hemp hearts that are incorporated into food products.
You might find hemp hearts in cereals and granola! Hemp grains can also be pressed and milled to create hemp flour, which can be used in any type of cooking, mainly baking.
And you don’t need to worry about your safety when eating them, as hemp grain products have been given GRAS status by the FDA.
This means they are generally recognized as safe to eat in the US.
Hemp is also added to foods in other countries too, such as the UK, so no matter where you are, hemp is safe for you to eat on its own or added to food!
While hemp seeds and hemp hearts are considered safe, the FDA has not given CBD the same. This means that hemp-derived CBD cannot be added to food.
This is the hemp with a higher percentage of THC that could get you high. As this, known commonly as marijuana is not yet legal across the entire country, it is unlikely we will see a change in this.
Can I Eat Hemp Seeds Everyday?

While hemp seeds can be eaten everyday, you will want to take care. Seeds can have high-fat content and calories, meaning that eating too many could lead to overeating or weight gain.
Seeds are notorious for causing fat or weight gain, as people consume them thinking they are healthy and safe to eat in large quantities.
While seeds are good for you, you must eat them in moderation. This way, you get all the benefits of the nutrients in the seeds, without needing to worry too much about the fat content.
Hemp seeds should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Is Hemp Legal?
Yes, hemp is legal. Hemp was a legal crop in the 18th and 19th centuries in the US before being banned in the 20th century.
But the 2018 Farm Bill has since legalized hemp again. This bill has allowed farmers to grow hemp, cultivate the seeds, and extract hemp oil.
Since then, we have seen an explosion of hemp-based products hit shelves. Not just as seeds or grains, but as oils too.
You will have noticed hemp or ‘CBD’ oils in pharmacies, designed to provide you with relief from a whole host of conditions from anxiety to arthritis.
While it is now legal for hemp to be cultivated, the THC concentration must not exceed 0.3%.
Farmers of hemp must stick to this and some other regulations outlined in the 2018 bill to ensure that the hemp they are growing meets the FDA’s standards, and does not break the law!
Final Thoughts
And there you have it! Hemp is not a grain, but rather an oilseed crop, whose seeds and oils are used for a whole host of products!
Hemp is legal and safe to consume, providing the THC content does not exceed 0.3%. Why not try some tasty hemp seeds today?