Is farro healthy?

Farro is also an excellent substitute for refined grains and is easy to include in your diet. It is a Mesopotamian wheat grain that dates back thousands of years. It is high in fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Farro, despite what people think, doesn’t really refer to a particular type of grain (Find out […]
Is Wild Rice Healthy?

Wild rice isn’t really actual rice, despite its name. It is not related directly to rice, despite being the seeds of a grass. Natural habitats for this grass include the margins of streams and lakes as well as inaccessible freshwater marshes. Wild rice comes in four different species. One is a vegetable that is a […]
Can you eat oatmeal on keto?

Oatmeal is a tasty breakfast food that’s quick to prepare on busy mornings. It’s also full of vitamins, nutrients, and fiber; all things that are great for your wellbeing. However, people who are on lower carbohydrate diets need to be wary of certain foods, including oatmeal. People on the keto diet will need to eat […]
How to cook amaranth

Similar to quinoa and other ancient grains, amaranth is rich in fiber and protein, which is why I first wanted to try cooking with it. I was expecting it to cook similar to quinoa, also a seed, but it is a much stickier and wetter grain. I want to share some of the tips and […]
What Is Teff?

When you see the product ‘teff’ you may be surprised to find out it is actually seeds and not grains. Technically teff is known as a ‘pseudocereal’, which means that it can be treated as a grain. The teff seeds (just commonly called teff) come from the annual grass Eragrostis tef. It is a species […]
What Does Enriched Rice Mean?

As the main part of many diet plans all over the world, rice has often been touted as a healthy form of carbohydrate. Despite this, as time has gone on, more and more people consider white rice as a ‘bad’ carbohydrate. White rice might be delicious, but it’s had several nutrients removed while it’s been […]
How oats are made?

Many of us eat them every day for breakfast, in cereal bars or just sprinkled on our lunch or dinner meal, oats are a nutritious addition to our diet. Harvested from the oat plant, which belongs to the Poaceae grass family, the oats that we eat are the seeds from this widely grown plant. But […]
Is whole grain white bread healthy?

Most of us eat bread every day. From a quick lunchtime snack with a sandwich to crispy bread on the side for dinner, bread is one of the most popular foods in the world. But as we eat so much bread, is there bread that is healthier than others? Whole grain is often promoted as […]
Is wheat genetically modified?

Have you found yourself wondering about genetically modified (or GMO) foods? Maybe you are unsure whether whole grains, such as wheat, is genetically modified or not? Or are you curious about genetically modified food and want to know more? Whatever the question might be that brought you here today, we have the answer for you! […]
Is rice a legume? (with comparison chart)

If you’re new to whole foods it’s important to understand the difference between rice and a legume. We’ll cover the differences between the two and also explore ways you can incorporate both into your diet.