10 Delicious sprouted grain bread recipes you will love

10 Delicious Sprouted Grain Bread Recipes You Will Love

There’s something super satisfying about making a homemade loaf of bread. Whether it be the fact we’ve made it ourselves or that warm feeling we get when we take our first bite of a piping hot fresh loaf, it’s something we can all enjoy. If you love making bread, you’ll probably already know just how […]

What does rice do to your stomach?

What Does Rice Do To Your Stomach? - Healthy Grains Guide

Rice is a staple food around the globe and is popular due to its high levels of nutrients, combined with a low-calorie count. Rice contains carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients, and has the added bonus of being a relatively cheap, filling meal, which has seen it become a staple in many […]

What is the healthiest grain?

What Is The Number One Healthiest Grain - Healthy Grains Guide

The world of grains (and pseudo-grains) is BIG, which means they can also be confusing. We dive into some of the “healthiest” grains so you can find the one that works best for you and your family, helping you meet your individual needs.

8 High-protein grains

High Protein Grains

Whole unrefined grains like oats, wheat, barley, rye, and corn provide more protein per gram than refined grains like white flour, bread, and crackers. A serving size of one cup of cooked whole grain contains anywhere from 6-20% of your daily protein needs. This makes it easy to fit a healthy amount of protein into […]

Why Is Rice So Good For Skin?

Why Is Rice So Good For Skin - Healthy Grains Guide

It is said that rice is beneficial for both the hair and skin. It contains lots of nutrients that can provide the body with vitamins and minerals to keep it looking and feeling healthy. And it isn’t just the rice that you see in the packaging either. It is the water too, otherwise known as […]

5 Milling Grains For Beer

5 Milling Grains For Beer

Milling grains play a key role in the development and production of beer, and this is an important step in brewing because it breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars that yeast can use to produce alcohol. The process also helps brewers control the amount of residual sugar left behind after fermentation. We took a […]

What are the side effects of amaranth?

What Are The Side Effects Of Amaranth - Everything You Need To Know

Eating grains, such as amaranth, can have many great health benefits, including lower blood pressure and improved digestion. However, if you have an amaranth intolerance or you eat too many grains, then this can lead to uncomfortable side effects, such as indigestion or stomach cramps In this article, we take a closer look at the […]

Is Rice A Protein Or Carb?

Is Rice A Protein Or Carb? - Healthy Grains Guide

Don’t you just love rice? This food is considered a staple food that is used to make a wide assortment of meals. This reliable food is sure to fill you up and provide sufficient energy. This cereal has been eaten across the globe for centuries. Not to mention, there are lots of different types of […]

12 Keto-friendly-ish grains

12 Keto Friendly Grains

The keto diet heavily limits carbohydrates, but good news, there are still some ways you can incorporate whole grains into your meal planning.

4 Best Grains For Distilling

4 Best Grains For Distilling

Are you thinking about beginning your very own home brewing journey? If you are, then you’ve come to the right place. When it comes to brewing alcohol, grains such as rye and barley are essential to the alcohol distillation process, and are responsible for fermenting so that yeasts can consume their sugar and convert them […]