What Is Sorghum Flour?

When you walk down the bakery aisle at the store, you may have noticed the vast number of new types of flour on the market. Gone are the days of having just self-raising and plain! As society changes and we learn more about the human body, we have learned to adapt our favorite foods to […]
5 Delicious African grains

Grains are a brilliant food source to add to your diet when you are trying to eat healthily or on a budget. There are so many different types of grains that can be added to your meals, yet we seem to stick to the same few. You are most likely to use rice, quinoa, or […]
5 Alkaline grains

I first heard about eating more alkaline foods on Instagram (of course, right?) and immediately wanted to see if grains or pseudo-grains fit into this category. Alkaline foods are often touted as being good for health, but what exactly are they? Are there any grains that are alkaline? And is it worth to eat more […]
6 Malted (or sprouted) grains

Malted grains are a great source of protein, fiber, and B vitamins. They also contain some carbohydrates, which can be converted into energy by the body. These types of grains are usually found in cereals like oats or wheat and can take a number of different forms including flakes, puffs, or even granules. We took […]