What is buckwheat flour?

Buckwheat flour is a type of gluten-free flour that is produced by milling whole buckwheat grains. By including this component into your traditional galettes or other baked goods, you may provide them with a flavor profile that is uniquely their own. Buckwheat flour is gaining popularity as a substitute to use inside of wheat or […]
What Is Koji (And Shio Koji?)

Commonly called ‘Japan’s nations fungus’, this fermented food has been a part of Japanese cuisine from as early as 6th century. Over the years it has spread as an ingredient around the world, and is something you have probably consumed without knowing it. Koji has been called a magical ingredient that can make any food […]
Is Basmati Long Grain Rice?

In recent years, rice has become one of the most popular foods around the world, and it’s not hard to see why. Rice is so versatile that you can use it with almost every meal, from rice porridge for breakfast to rice pilaf for dinner. There is a surprisingly large number of different types of […]
What is freekeh?

In the Middle East and North Africa, a dish called freekeh, which is comprised of whole grains, is considered a staple cuisine and has been consumed there for many generations, notably in the southern regions of Lebanon and Egypt. In recent years though, in part thanks to an appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” this […]
Wholegrain And Wholemeal Bread: Are They The Same?

Wholemeal, wholegrain, multigrain, wheat, rye, white, low FODMAP, low GI, and gluten free are all acceptable terms. How can we choose the bread that is greatest for our health when there are so many options? This article will discuss the differences between different types of bread, including how wholegrain and whole wheat bread varieties are […]
Everything You Need To Know About Japanese Rice

There are so many different kinds of rice that it can get confusing knowing which one to use. Each one is ideal for a different style of cooking or cuisine, and if you use the wrong rice then the texture of the dish could be wrong. If you are interested in trying Japanese rice then […]
What Is Colloidal Oatmeal?

If you’ve ever experienced dry, or irritated skin, your doctor may have suggested some at-home remedies to relieve the symptoms. One of these solutions is colloidal oatmeal. Colloidal oatmeal isn’t meant to be eaten, but it’s meant to be applied topically on the skin. It is full of fats, vitamins, and minerals that help soothe […]
What Is Oat Bran?

When it relates to wholegrains, there are various layers and parts that each serve a specific purpose. Some are nutritious and edible, while others are not. In this specific instance, oat bran constitutes the outermost layer of the groat that lies just beneath the oat grain’s inedible hull. The external casing of oat grain is […]
Is Corn A Grain?

Corn is a food that has been eaten for thousands of fo years by various civilizations. It is prized for its high nutrient content, and in more recent times, is loved for the many ways in which it can be cooked or eaten. It may be discovered in a range of meals, such as casseroles, […]
What Is Wild Rice?

Wild rice is growing in popularity and is popping up more and more in recipes and on restaurant menus. But what is wild rice? Why is it so popular? Is it good for you? If you want to know more about wild rice then you are in the right place. We have put together this […]