Is rice natural or man-made?

Is Rice Natural Or Man Made? - Healthy Grains Guide

Rice is a staple food that is eaten all around the world. It compliments all kinds of dishes from all kinds of cuisines, but where does it come from? Is it natural or is it man-made?  Rice is a naturally-occurring plant that grows in many different regions and nourishes over half the world. But although […]

10 Delicious Spent Grain Recipes You Need To Try

10 Delicious Spent Grain Recipes You Need To Try

To make our own beer, we have to follow a process called malting. During this process grains are malted. Malting refers to a process where the grains are soaked and gently cooked. The malted barley is then mashed to extract nutrients, sugars, and proteins. Any leftover grains are called spent grains. If you’re used to […]

Rye vs Wheat: Health impact and nutrition comparison

Rye Vs Wheat - Health Impact And Nutrition Comparison

Rye and wheat are both cereal grains and they belong to the same family. They are both frequently used for food for both humans and animals and can also be used for a variety of other purposes, such as the distillation of alcoholic beverages. However, despite all of these similarities, they also share several differences. […]

10 Delicious medium grain rice recipes you need to try

10 Delicious Medium Grain Rice Recipes You Need To Try

Rice is a food staple eaten all over the world. It is versatile, filling, affordable, and very easy to cook with. It can be used in breakfast, lunch, and dinner dishes. There is even a range of tasty desserts that call for it. Primarily produced and consumed in Asia, there are thousands of different varieties […]

Is Rice Better Than Bread?

Is Rice Better Than Bread Healthy Grains Guide

Rice and bread. Two of the most common staple foods in the world. Both can be included in a variety of meals and both are delicious and filling.  But which one is better for you? Is rice better than bread? Is bread better than rice?  These days, people are making more and more conscious health […]

What are the side effects of rye? (Everything you need to know)

What Are The Side Effects Of Rye (Everything You Need To Know)

In the world of cereals, rye is often touted as one of the healthiest options. It’s high in important nutrients and studies have shown that it can have many benefits, specifically for digestive health and when it comes to combating inflammation.  Something that isn’t talked about as often, however, is the fact that rye has […]

Is buckwheat really wheat?

Is Buckwheat Really Wheat Healthy Grains Guide

Buckwheat is a highly nutritious whole grain that is widely regarded as a superfood. Offering a wide range of health benefits, including improved heart health and weight loss, buckwheat is used regularly by people all over the world. Aside from being highly nutritious, buckwheat is also loaded with protein, energy, and fiber. It doesn’t contain […]

Does Rice Grow In Water?

Does Rice Grow In Water Healthy Grains Guide

The popularity of rice is not to be underestimated. This is a grain that has traveled the world and forms a key element of a whole host of delicious, tasty, and healthy dishes from all cuisines and cultures. This popularity is easy to understand; not only is rice cheap and filling, but it is also […]